In this section, you will find a list of projects we have carried out over the years by area and postcode.
As we continue to develop our website further projects and reviews will be added, therefore, keep a lookout for any projects we might have carried out in your area. You can also search by postcode or by type of work we have done such as bathroom, kitchen, painting and decorating.
Furthermore, we provide you with a range of cost involved with each of our projects. However, bear in mind each project is unique, and the price varies depending on individual requirements and several other factors.
£ – Under 5k
££ – Under 15k
£££ – Under 25k
££££ – Under 35k
£££££ – Over 50k and above
RFS Renovations
For a free no–obligation quote, get in touch with us either on our free phone number, by chat or via our online e-form.
0800 999 0888 OR Contact Us